Thursday, January 9, 2014

FREE Advance Review Ebook >> FOREVER ... AND 365 DAYS by Ulrike #Inspirational #ASMSG

Grab it now while its FREE!


Release Date: January 19th, 2014

A better life will naturally come your way, once you have mastered the art of right thinking. In her new inspirational book ULRIKE chronicles the thoughts and applications of a metaphysics teacher and author. She places great emphasis on making happiness your goal in life by applying scientific and practical methods. 

“My book shows the’ how and the why’ of application in simple steps and by examples. It includes stories of real people,” Ulrike says, “I want to make sure that you get a clear picture and realize your potential, which can be achieved through your own right and good thought.”

We have to reeducate and retrain ourselves to think and act correctly. It is a daily task. Minute by minute we must be aware of our actions and make certain that love is our motive in everything we do. Love is the motivating principle of all things and Love is the mother of our being. Let us return to this source of all bliss, let us enjoy our health, wealth and happiness - now and forever…and 365 days


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